Let the sunshine in

At Baystate Screen and Window, we know that one of the reasons to keep your windows in tip-top shape is the fact that letting the light into your home has some benefits to both your health and your surroundings. It may not be something we always think about when we think of windows, but it is one of their best features.

Baystste Screen and WIndow keeps your windows like new

Sunshine can make you healthier

Go ahead and open those blinds and push the drapes aside.  Researchers have found that there are some concrete benefits to natural light and keeping those windows clear to let the sunshine in can help.

Natural light is a great source of vitamin D which is beneficial for bone health.  Since most of us do not get enough vitamin D in our diets, exposure to natural light offers a great way to supplement a possible deficiency without taking extra pills every day.  Here in Massachusetts where we don’t already have bright sun year-round, we should take as much advantage of it as we can.

Sunlight also helps your body to produce Serotonin which is a mood enhancer associated with feeling less stressed and more positive. Don’t you feel brighter and more energetic on a bright, sunny day?  Don’t wait until you go outside; use those windows to let the light into your home.

Use sunlight to save on energy

We’ve all seen those solar panels some homes have installed on their roofs to harness the sun’s energy, but you can still get an energy boost without them.  Leaving those windows exposed will let the sun flow naturally into your home and with it provide some warmth so you can turn that furnace down a bit.  Don’t bother turning the lights on either.  The longer you let the sun shine in, the longer you can go without turning on the lights and running up your electric bill.

Get things done around the house

In addition to enhancing your mood and making you feel more energetic, sunlight has been proven to help boost your productivity!  Open those windows, let the fresh air and sunshine in and get some things done.  Household chores, work-from-home, do-it-yourself projects will all get done more easily of there is a sunny spot nearby.

Baystate Screen & Window: Greater Boston’s Window Experts!

 Make the most of your windows for all seasons.  You want those windows to be in top shape whether you are looking to let more light into the house, save some energy, or fill your home with fresh air.

If you think your windows screens need repair or replacement, call Baystate Screen & Window today! We service the Boston South Shore area. Our team provides professional services to make sure your home has beautiful and safe windows. Make the call today at 781-710-8729 and have your windows working for you and looking great all year round.  You can also contact us right through our website.