Have your window seams failed?

Have your window seams failed?

We all know benefits of having insulated glass windows which can keep the heat from leaving or entering your house so you can save on utility bills and still keep your home comfortable.  Like all other types of windows, however, insulated windows can still have their problems.

Insulated glass windows are made up of multiple panes of glass, spatially separated and filled with gasses that help to moderate temperature fluctuation. (IGU – insulated glass unit) This creates a very efficient energy insulation. But what does it mean when you spot some condensation or fog between those layers of glass?  You have a seal problem and that seal problem is going to reduce the window’s ability to do its job.

It’s always a good idea to protect your investments with regular check-ups and maintenance.  In this case, checking the seal occasionally to look for any gaps or separations from the frame. It’s also a good idea to keep the area clean and dust free.  If you find any separation, you can caulk the window to help keep things in shape, but once that fog or condensation appears, you need help.

Rather than replace your windows, you can repair them and that’s where Bay State Screen & Window can help you.  We can save your existing window frame and repair the window by installing a new IGU within the frame to get things back in working order.

Bay State Screen & Window will rebuild that IGU for you with state-of-the-art parts and we can usually do it in about two days.

If you’ve noticed fog or dampness forming in between your window panes, contact us and we’ll talk about setting things right.


Baystate Screen & Window is located in Norwell, MA and we’re happy to serve areas from Boston to the South Shore.